LumiCon User Management Features and Capabilities


ADMINs are permanent members with EDITOR access to all job sites in the workspace. They can neither be demoted to VIEWER access nor removed from a job site.

[ADMIN ONLY] Visit User Management Page to:

  • Invite new users to the workspace

    • NOTE: To add additional users as an ADMIN, contact AOMS Support

  • Remove existing users or ADMINs from the workspace

  • Force a password reset to lock an account until the password reset process is complete

  • Edit user profiles to update job site membership


USERs only have access to job sites which they were added as a member; all others will not appear within their list of job sites in the homepage. When a new job site is created, by default, the creator and all ADMINs in the workspace will be added as a member with EDITOR access.

USERs can be added to a job site with either EDITOR or VIEWER access. Visit Job Site Member Page to update job site membership.

EDITORs of a job site (including ADMINs) can:

  • Have full access to this job site's features (i.e., job site data and reports)

  • Add new or existing users as a member of this job site

  • Modify their own or other non-ADMINs' access type in this job site

  • Remove themselves or other non-ADMINs from this job site

VIEWERs of a job site can:

  • View job site data, reports

  • View member settings of all users in this job site

  • Remove themselves from this job site


Visit My Profile Page to:

  • Update your account settings
    NOTE: We now support login via username, email and phone number. Save your phone number to activate this method of login.

  • Modify units and time zone settings (NEW location!)

  • Change your password



USERs only have access to job sites which they were added as a member; all others will not appear within their list of job sites in the homepage. When a new job site is created, by default, the creator and all ADMINs in the workspace will be added as a member with EDITOR access.

NOTE: ADMINs are permanent members with EDITOR access to all job sites in the workspace. They can neither be demoted to VIEWER access nor removed from a job site.

USERs can be added to a job site with either EDITOR or VIEWER access. Visit Job Site Member Page to update job site membership.

EDITORs of a job site can:

  • Have full access to this job site's features (i.e., job site data and reports)

  • Add new or existing users as a member of this job site

  • Modify their own or other non-ADMINs' access type in this job site

  • Remove themselves or other non-ADMINs from this job site

VIEWERs of a job site can:

  • View job site data, reports

  • View member settings of all users in this job site

  • Remove themselves from this job site


Visit My Profile Page to:

  • Update your account settings
    NOTE: We now support login via username, email and phone number. Save your phone number to activate this method of login.

  • Modify units and time zone settings (NEW location!)

  • Change your password